Dynamic Training Services
Stress & Resiliency
Peer Support
Crisis Intervention
Conflict & Grievance Resolution
Interpersonal Dynamics
Workplace Diversity
Bullying & Harassment
Change Management
Dynamic Training Services > Crisis Intervention
The Emergency Support Network offers customised interventions, wellness seminars, and training services for on-site delivery, on line programs, and a calendar of events. All programs incorporated the latest techniques in positive psychology to promote interaction, fun and the application of learning back into the workplace. Enquire now about our current training workshops in:
Managing Workplace Crisis
One of your employees has just suffered a fatal heart attack, what are you going to do? Before you panic, remember what you learnt on a recent course. Information on understanding the nature of critical incidents, identifying who is likely to be affected, knowing the stages of critical incident stress, how staff may react, and how best to provide support and post incident monitoring. Learn the key points on how to plan and prepare for these events. Understand how to manage the media and announcements to staff. Given duty of care responsibilities senior employees need to know how to reduce the impact and risk in these situations. This workshop will assist you to effectively manage critical incidents and support staff after an incident. - Dealing With Next of Kin
After a workplace accident or fatality, it is often the Manager or CEO who is required to notify the next of kin. This can be a distressing and often daunting task. How do you inform a wife, husband or parent that their loved one will not be coming home tonight? Key staff may also have to deal with next of kin enquiries following an incident, particularly one of a longer duration. This workshop provides participants with vital information on how to deal with these situations, what to avoid and how best to convey the difficult news.
Critical Incident Response For Frontline Staff
Violent clients, attacks on staff, accidents and employee deaths are all part of the workplace. Sudden and unexpected events can occur at any stage. Frontline staff and managers need to be prepared to deal with these situations and the stress created for other staff. This workshop provides an understanding of what types of Critical Incidents can occur, why they impact and the effects upon people in the workplace. Participants will be given information and practical strategies for assisting others in the workplace affected by critical incidents -
.Personal Resiliency Skills For Frontline Staff
In providing frontline responses to clients, staff may encounter particularly distressing accounts and situations that may be traumatic. Newer staff with less experience may be potentially at risk of traumatisation. More experienced staff may still have the same potential or be at risk of burnout. Resiliency techniques may assist to mitigate this risk for staff such as understanding the nature of trauma, personal resiliency factors, the role of defusing and debriefing, stress and burnout dynamics, critical factors such as client relationships and strategies for building resiliency and safety. -
Group Crisis Intervention (CIMA / ICISF Accredited)
Group Crisis Intervention training program presents the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum. This two-day course prepares participants such as mental health professionals, peer supporters, employee welfare staff, chaplains and staff in managerial roles to understand a wide range of crisis intervention services including pre and post incident crisis education, crisis intervention for individuals, demobilisations (RIT) and crisis management briefings after large scale traumatic incidents, and small group defusings (ISGS) and debriefings (PEGS). The need for appropriate follow-up services and referrals when necessary is also described. This is a skills based course that prepares individuals to provide these interventions.